Monday 19 October 2009

A life without sugar

Two weeks ago I accidentally had a coffee without my standard 1/2 a teaspoon of sugar. I say accidentally but really I was just so damn tired I simply forgot to even put it in ... and had practically finished the coffee before I even thought about it, never noticing the lack of sugar in said coffee.

So, rather sheepishly, I realised it was time to stop putting any sugar in - since I hadn't noticed it missing. Although the exhaustion may have also numbed my tastebuds. Nonetheless, I've stopped purposefully putting it in ... but every now and then I find myself doing it automatically, or at least preparing to do it - most times I have caught myself and stopped.

I'm happy to admit that I haven't missed it in the slightest, although I'm rather embarrassed and annoyed at myself. How long have I been putting sugar in my beverages when I haven't needed to? It's not even a calorie concern, although obviously every bit counts, it just made me realise how I do a lot of things out of habit rather than actual need or desire. Well, the sugar is really the only example I've come up with. And putting salt on things ... although I stopped that ages ago by simply keeping the salt in the cupboard and not on the table.

Anyhoo, in terms of the sugar cravings ... I have found the no sugar in coffee/tea has helped. Or has at least lessened the severity. This afternoon I was thinking "man, I'm realllly hungry" but really, I was just experiencing that old "I want sugar" feeling. Ignored it! So far anyway.

1 comment:

Rachael P said...

At least you are recognising the cravings of your body.. I am still a working progress there. Not till after you have it that you realise your body needed only water or something else. Good going, everybit counts to the final result.