Thursday, 9 July 2009

Arggggh focus

Just need a pep talk. Have really slipped these last three days or so. Yesterday ate more chocolate than any person should! Felt soooo desperately ill and today I have a food hangover, tired, headache and the rest.

Whyyy do I do this to myself? I manage to keep focussed and stay "on the path" for so long, and then in just four days I undo all my hard work. I mean, obviously it won't undo ALL of it, but I just feel dreadful and it will take me X amount of days to feel human again. After the junk food fest that was my Geelong trip it took me two weeks to feel good again!

Anyway, I'll get over it. Off to the gym this arvo for some bike work and then Pump. Body feels like it's ready for Pump again. Will have tomorrow off, 8km run on Saturday and will try to get to a Pump class in the arvo, run on Sunday too. Monday will be early AM bikram and evening Pump.

But really, it's all about eating. Need two weeks of clean eating - fruit, veg, lean meat, wholegrains etc. Damn chocolate! Sugar cravings are going to kill me for the next two days.

No RSVP news, too tired from Sunday's 22hour stint to date. Maybe next week.


Fifi said...

I do the same thing. I was sooo focussed and lost 7kg over 7 weeks, but then met that frikkin BB guy and it threw me and now I just can't pull my focus back. It's been really difficult.

I'm not very helpful am I? LOL.

My focus seems to come in 'waves'.

Pitchies said...

Nah, totally helpful to know I'm not the only one who struggles to stay "on the path".