Sunday, 19 July 2009

Getting Sorted

A not-so-bad week in terms of food and exercise. Had a larger than anticipated Sunday night, watching a friend's band in the Rocks, and spent Monday feeling slightly tired and hungover doing major house-works. How the hell do I have so many bloody clothes and nothing to wear? Argh. Must do some chucking and eBaying of stuff that's too big, too small or whatever.

Did 1 x 8km run, 2 x Pump, track running session with 8x400m sprints (sucks ass) after a 2km warm-up, then yesterday did 10km trail run. I love/hate trail running. It's actually much more of an all-ove body work out because the uneven surface means you have to hold your core in much more than with usual running. Plus the trail we run has some truly shocking bits where you're constantly watching where you're going and planning each step. All good of course, but meant that after 10km yesterday I was shattered! Today bits of me are sore that are not usually sore - must be a good thing.

Counting down to Hawaii. Less than two weeks. Need to continue good/careful eating and exercise. But frankly will not go on about it too much. Next weekend doing two races - one 10km and the other 11km (Sutherland to Surf) on separate days. Both won't be at full 'race pace', but will give them both a good 85% effort.

Today I'm also 'getting sorted'. Sunny weather means catching up on huuuge washing backlog. Hate not having a dryer as it means things like sheets and towels can often build up while I'm waiting for a sunny day where I'm not working. Today! Whoo hoo. Determined to clear the 'big stuff' backlog. Also just need to do general de-clutter and chuck out of stuff. Looking forward to it. Just having a nice quiet coffee while the first load of washing finishes.

Went on second RSVP date last night with Mr P. He's sooo nice. Smells good too. Was unfortunately a little bit tired so was not really in top form. But will definitely see him again! Was so f'n cold that at the end of dinner just had to give each other a quick hug and run away, no time for standing around for potential 'first kiss'. God, so juvenile I know. Was also busting for the loo and wanted to get home asap. Next time, there's gotta be some action!

Work is an uncontrollable beast right now, feel like I'm just sitting on top of it and hanging on for dear life - putting out spot fires where I can and barely keeping ahead of the huge mass of work surging behind me. I am, however, surviving and will continue to do so!

1 comment:

Fifi said...

he he..can't wait to hear about your 3rd date! I love guys who smell gooood ;o)