Friday, 8 May 2009

Oh urgh

I am coming down with something and I do not want to get sick and cannot afford to get sick as I am only a week away from the half-marathon. Boo hoo! Have fever, body aches, pains in the stomach and just generally feel like RUBBISH. This is pretty much the only time I hate living alone as there is no-one to whinge to (hence, why I am here!), and no-one to make me a cup of tea or some toast or FIX me. Blaaah.

Ha ha, yes I know I sound pathetic ... and I probably am right now. I am big shivering mess despite good amount of paracetamol/water etc, just goooo awaaaay bug thing that is attacking me.

As for RSVP, jaysus that place is a nightmare. Do people not read profiles? I have had some contact from people who are so far out of my "ideal partner" description it's not funny ... especially in age. Seriously, you have to wonder what they are thinking ... urgh, on second thoughts I probably don't want to know what they're thinking. Nothing terribly interesting yet ... although DID just get a "kiss" from a HOT SCOT (I luuurrrve Scottish accents) who looks kinda like my kind of guy, although he also reminds me of a real GIT I went out with about three and a half years ago, but I'm probably just projecting.

Will keep you posted on any date action ... although right now I think any guy would be wise to ruuuun for his life so I do not infect him with whatever's invading my system. Oh, and I look like sh*t anyway ... nice dark circles under eyes, white as a ghost with a nice grey tinge. Faaaabulous dahlinks.

*sigh* I'm going to bed I think, supposed to meet running group at 6.45am tomorrow ... we shall see!

1 comment:

Fifi said...

Ugh..internet dating's a killer (even though I did it for about 4 years). I don't count my last date as internet though as I stalked him in real life first!!

Hope you feel better soon!