Wow! Yesterday was just fantastic. Work - blah, standard. Did Pump at lunch to break my out of the office, standard Pump - took it a tiny bit lighter on the legs so I'd have something for running training. It worked!!!
We did 3x2000m sets, with the first 1000 at "race pace" or how fast we need to run to get our half-mara, which for me is around 5.45min to get in at 1hr55min, and the second 1000 was basically as fast as we could maintain. Well, I kicked it's ass! I felt great, although the last lap was a killer as I really kicked it up a notch, but I really felt comfortable. It's all numbers, but I did the first 2km in 11min, the next 2km in 10.45min and the last 2km in 10.30min, each time the first km was around 5.40 up to 5.50min - it's quite hard to pace yourself around an oval, which means for the second km I was doing UNDER 5min ks!!! Which I have never done before. Of course I couldn't maintain it for more than a few kms, but it shows I'm getting better/faster/stronger. How exciting. Finally some serious results.
Now, if only the scales would cooperate, they seem to be stuck! But at least not moving up despite PMSing like crazy right now. Thankfully I can acknowledge the fact that my hormones are going crazy and causing me to think things like that I miss my ex and wish I could talk to him. I do really miss him ... but I know we're not good for each other and if I were to suggest a friendship he would not see it that way. I've only just managed to get him to stop texting/calling me every few days so I will leave it alone for a little while longer. But on Sunday evening I was soooo tempted to text him saying "I really miss you, can we at least be friends?" But no, that way madness lies. Much better to simply suck it up and wait for the feeling to pass.
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