Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Mad Monday

Okay, so yesterday I went kind of crazy. Went for a very hilly 7km run with one of the fab gals from Can Too, which felt surprisingly easy for me (WTF?), so afterwards I went to the gym and did 40 mins of cardio (bike, rower and X-trainer) before Pump.

Only a little bit sore today too, mainly in the arms as I put my weights up a bit on some tracks ... a good sign? Or a sign I should be pushing myself that hard every day ... which frankly, simply isn't possible because I didn't get home 'til 7.45pm after leaving for work at 5.45pm and I was completely shattered.

Had a big talk with D too about "things" and managed not to get too emotional, and instead say what I was really feeling - that he needed to grow up. I'm all for being silly, loving life and stuff ... but there are adult things you simply have to do. Like clean the house, wash your clothes, buy food, keep track of appointments etc somehow ... none of which he does. Result? He is constantly running out of clean clothes, picking stuff off the floor-robe, the house is FILTHY, he misses things because he's not written the date or time down (a friend's funeral!) and is constantly tired because he stays up late watching TV or playing Playstation, sleep 'til 9am and then rushes to work without eating. And yeah, on the eating thing - he never has ANY food in the house. I'm not talking about when you were a kid and you'd complain to your parents there was nothing to eat ... I mean literally, there is no food in his house. The pantry is full of old rice, pasta, spices etc that other people have bought or he bought and has never used (and has nothing to use with), he never has any fruit, veg or salad, bread , milk, juice, biscuits, etc etc. Argh, anyway ... if that's the way he wants to live, fine, whatever - but I didn't like it, so it was one more of the things I put on the list of reasons why I don't want to get back together.

Anyway, he listened to my mini-lecture. He agreed that he needed to get some order happening and said he'd actually been going to bed by 10pm and getting up by 6.30am every day. Which is a miracle, as he would never do that when I suggested it. He hasn't been in to work later than 8am, which was always a bug-bear with one of his bosses - he didn't care if he stayed 'til 7pm to make up for arriving at 10am, he wanted him IN earlier.

So, he says he's changing things for the better ... and wants to know if I would ever give things another go. Another go? Gaaaah. No. I did say, however, that he was making himself a much better man for the next lady to be with him and she would be very, very lucky. I do believe that - the right woman will score a lucky catch with him, but it's not me I'm afraid.

Back on exercise/losing weight ... I have no idea what's happened to my scales, they seem to have gone cockahoop. Unless it's possible to lose 3kg in two weeks ... which I really don't think it is.

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