Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Is it any wonder...

Just a short vent required. Is it any wonder women develop/have complexes about their bodies? I've just finished reading some article about Jessica Simpson "stacking on the pounds" causing her boyfriend to lose interest in her and cheat on her. Gaaah. Number one, I hardly think she's stacked on the pounds ... she looks perfectly healthy and happy! The only thing she could be accused of is choosing less than flattering outfits ... which really IS a bit of a crime considering the amount of coin she has to spend on outfits and people she can pay to make sure she looks good in said outfits.

THEN to suggest the entire reason her boyfriend has cheated is because she's gained some curves is just ludicrous. Perhaps it's more to do with the fact he's a loser scumbag? Huh, huh.

Ahhh, much better.

I think I am slowly making peace with my body. After torturing it at Bikram last night (the intermediate class no less), making some serious progress in standing bow pose (which is supposed to look something like this) to my great delight/surprise, then discovering the joys of Quinoa after finally locating it in the health food section at the supermarket, I caught myself glaring at my reflection in the mirror - my eyes immediately seeking out all the bits I don't like. It seems the only part of me that's not healthy is my attitude! You know, physically I am working on strengthening, stretching and building fitness and I am eating a good, healthy, balanced diet ... and then I am sabotaging myself by looking at myself and thinking "hmm, thighs are still looking a bit heavy, need to trim up here" etc etc. Yes, very healthy thinking.

So I slapped myself 'round a bit and told myself to snap out of it and look at the positives - I had just done 90 minutes of intense Bikram - which is cardio, strengthening and flexibility training all in one - and had noticed improvement etc and enjoyed it. Even if I'm not where I want to be, I am working towards it and I should enjoy the journey rather than just hanging out for the results. Because even when (yes WHEN) I get to where I want to be, I will need to stay focussed to maintain it and continue to enjoy the journey. So ... yeah. I must be nicer to and more positive about my body and myself.

Okay ... oddly segued rant over.

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