Saturday, 25 October 2008


Oh lordy. I am sore. Yesterday morning did 14km - City2Surf distance - with some of the Can Too folk. It was so, so gruelling. I must get my fitness back ... I mean, I ran it ... but it hurt so badly! Worse than the pain in the legs, hips and back though is the negative talk running through my head, cursing myself for letting that fitness edge slip. Why did I do it? Why did I eat this and that, etc etc. Damn it!

I think by the end of the run though I'd talked myself back around to positive territory. I mean, I could've been sitting at home cursing myself for letting the fitness slip, as opposed to running and cursing myself. The latter is definitely the better option. So have recommitted and refocussed, which is definitely what I needed ... just needed a kickstart.

Anyway, onwards and upwards and all that. Have just made some low-fat zucchini and carrot muffins for a friend's big breakfast ... can't wait for breakfast, am starving. Leaving myself just enough time to jump in the shower, get changed and pick up my dear friend C.

Looking forward to a nice early night tonight, last night had a friend's hens night and didn't get home until after 1am, but naturally woke up at 5am. Gah! Why can I not sleep? Managed to get some cat-naps in until 7am when decided I may as well get up and get moving. Did some washing and what-not. Always astounded at how deathly quiet this building is in the mornings. No action until well after 10am. I totally appreciate people taking the opportunity to sleep in, but they're letting half the day go!

Today will keep exercise very low key. Might attempt something a bit later, but the house needs a damn good clean first.

Tomorrow will do Pump + 1 hour cardio equipment. Tuesday will either join the Mac Runners or do Bikram, depending on timings, Wednesday will go for a run in the morning, then have my first session with my nutritionist and in the evening will do my beloved Pump or swim, Thursday must be some more Bikram and Friday Pump. Saturday am doing the Sydney Striders 10km race through Lane Cove National Park, but might do Pump or something that arvo. Will see how things go.

Anyhoo, best be off.

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