Friday, 24 October 2008

Friday and trying to get positive

What an absolute joy Fridays are! Although often they hold little meaning for me as I do shiftwork and sometimes work Saturdays and Sundays, then have days off during the week. THIS week, however, I have Sat and Sunday off. whoo hoo.

Last night was nothing short of an ordeal. I drove over to Carlton to pick up a Cheval mirror I purchased on eBay. It has been over a year since I had a full-length mirror in my house and I simply couldn't take it anymore. Not being able to see what my full outfit looked like. Plus, I like to "monitor" changes to my body ... I think it's the biggest motivator to notice definition on the stomach/thighs/arms etc when you're going to the gym. For me, when I can't see these things I tend to lose focus and direction a bit. Well, no more!

The reason it was an ordeal was because the eeeejit who I was buying the mirror from was not answering his phone! It was horrible. I was freaking out, wondering WTF I was going to do ... so went to the Westfields nearby to wander around and curse a bit, when finally he answered his phone. Thank the lord. Oh, not to mention the ridiculous traffic encountered along the way and usual moronic driving in the wet weather. Argh!

Trying to get focus back on food/diet with summer fast approaching and wanting to get super-fit and stuff. Have been struggling badly to get back into the habit. But it's so hard right now, I am just an empty vessel. Exhausted, I have nothing left in the tank. Wake up every day feeling tired despite going to bed by 10pm, struggle through the day and manage to drag myself to the gym or something afterwards but never with any real vigor. No more! Am going to attempt to have a restful weekend, despite the busyness of it, and get myself back on track.

To that end, here's my food plan for today:

Pre-breakfast snack (have this because I wake up at 5am and cannot face eating anything 'real' before about 8am): orange, coffee with skim milk.
Breakfast: 1/2 cup natural muesli, 4 strawberries (chopped up), 1/2 cup skim milk.
Lunch: Sushi
Dinner: Undecided.
No dessert.

Plus am doing Bikram Yoga at 4pm, which is just exhausting but energising at the same time. Sweat more than you'd believe possible, which reminds me - must be sure to drink a good two litres of water today!

Tomorrow morning hoping to go for a big run with the Can Too folk. 14km or so. Haven't heard from them yet, but decided I will go for a big one regardless. 40 mins out and 35 mins back.

Hmm. Slow day at work so far so no doubt will be back with some more ramblings.

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