Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Woman on a mission

Weirdness continues on the scales! Today am UP 1kg compared with yesterday. Although today feel 1001 times better than yesterday. Something baaaad was going on in my stomach, it felt bloated and tight, and I found trying to clench my stomach muscles really hurt a bit. Poor insides are in a bit of a mess after DREADFUL eating on the weekend.

It wasn't so much the quantity as the quality, which I find is often the problem when staying with friends who don't eat the same way I do. Biggest problem was - lack of fruit and good veg. Oh, and a disgusting KFC incident. Although I ended up just eating some chips, I determined they were probably the lesser evil compared to the fried chicken. The GOOD that came out of it, for there is good in every bad situation!, was that I NEVER want to eat it again. Sometimes I get cravings for junk like KFC, and I can honestly say I didn't enjoy any of it - so now I can remind myself of that the next time I have a crease craving.

I have got myself right back on track though. Yesterday I was tempted by the work cookie jar (x2), but I had porridge with a banana for breakfast, apple and mandarin for a snack, a lamb salad wrap for lunch, a banana for an afternoon snack and then did the Pump/Combat double. Pump was okay, but during combat my stomach felt super-horrible and I really only went at about 70-80% of what I usually would. Mind you, I was still going harder than most of the people in the class and worked up a good sweat.

Today I have REALLY pulled my finger out. Running training for the next half-marathon with CanToo starts this afternoon and I am starting a 3-month campaign of fitness and health. So, after getting up pre-6am, getting dressed and driving my car (and self) over to the other side of the city so I can be at training on time, I headed to the supermarket where I bought supplies. I got a new variety of porridge - the Weightwise version from Uncle Toby's. It's probably not as good as regular oats (and sure as heck doesn't taste as good), but it has extra fibre and protein which has to be a good thing. I also paid a small fortune for a teeny packet of Chia seeds, which are like flaxseeds and currently being promoted as the next "super food". Packed with omega-3s - which are good for helping reduce inflammation (caused by running and stuff), plus anti-oxidants and protein. I put about half a teaspoon or so over my porridge.

You can eat them whole, unlike flaxseeds, and apparently they keep better as well. They didn't add any flavour, but they were great to crunch on! I am already a big fan.

I also added about a tablespoon of dried fruit and nuts just to mix it up a bit.

I need to get the tape measure out to do some "before" measuring. I do want to lose 4-5kg on the scales, but since I seem to be able to lose 3kg over the course of two days, and then regain it, I think a tape measure might be a bit more reliable way of measuring results.

Here is a relatively vague weekly workout plan for the next month or so:
Sunday - 30 min light run
Monday - 40 min tempo run plus Body Attack or Body Pump (or both!)
Tuesday - double-class Pump and Combat
Wednesday - CanToo track session (will add a class in here during the day soon)
Thursday - Cardio plus Pump
Friday - rest day
Saturday - long run plus strength training (pump or weights)

Need to try to get to the Core class at the gym - there's one at Friday lunchtime so might try that one.

Okay, off to face the work day.

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