Friday, 6 November 2009

Variety is the spice of life

This is what I have learnt on my Bikram challenge. I love Bikram, although right now I do not LOVE love it ... I really only like it. Everything is sore, I am sick of having wet clothes and a wet towel to wash after each class and my mat never seems to dry properly (obviously Sydney weather isn't helping on any of these points).

I have really learnt a lot about myself during this challenge. Some good, some bad, and some things I'm yet to determine.

The number one bad thing: I'm impatient. Not when it comes to others, but myself. I have no compassion for myself and give myself no credit - I think I should have improved X amount, so I almost try to force myself to have improved that amount. Result? Seriously strained, possibly minor torn, hamstring which resulted in bruising behind the knee. Ouch! Entirely my own fault as well, trying to force myself further into Bow Pulling pose (or whatever the real name is).

The good? I am determined and persistent. Yeah sure, stubborn too. But determination and commitment is what keeps me going to class six times a week (on good weeks!), I just need to find a way to really use that to my advantage ... or harness it better.

One that sits about midway is that I am stubborn. I refused to give up when I had the hideous sinus infection that meant I could barely breathe, also when I started my new job and there was a whole world of new stuff to learn, plus all the usual stuff going on in the background - such as being woken up at 4am by drunken neighbours playing John Farnham and other rubbish.

Exercise-wise I have learnt I need VARIETY to keep myself interested. Sure, I love a good challenge but it needs to be a bit more diverse. A few running sessions a week, a few sessions in the pool, some Pump/weights, PLUS Bikram. Not all the same thing. It was actually a really positive thing to "discover", as I found myself missing running, the gym etc. Unfortunately working 9 hours a day and doing 90 mins of Bikram almost every day doesn't leave much time for anything else.

Desperately looking forward to finishing the challenge. Determined NOT to fall short of the mark for anything!

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