Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Running + RSVP

Firstly the running folks. Running in the Gold Coast half-mara this weekend. Really looking forward to it! Heading to the Gold Coast with five CanTooers from the Mac Uni pod and four of us are planning on running together. We're all varied speeds but we'll be running at the slowest person's km pace, which is a good minute slower than mine. I'm actually looking forward to it, as it means I will be able to enjoy the run a bit more and hopefully not look like rubbish at the end. We're really going just for fun ('cause running 21.1km is fun!) and to raise the CanToo profile. You can't help but notice a flood of fluro orange singlets!

On Saturday we did a fast and furious 10km at training. Well, I didn't intend for it to be fast and furious ... it just happened that way! Set myself a new 10km pb of 52min, which I know isn't super-fast but for me it's flying and it was on a super-hilly course. Previously my best 10km time was 54.10min. It was one of those runs where I never felt good though, I constantly had to push myself and fight the voice in my head telling me to give up because it was too hard, I was too tired etc. Was pretty damn pleased with myself afterwards though! My goal is to be running 50min 10km by the end of the year. Or to run that at least once anyway.

Now, onto the RSVP rubbish. Firstly let me say gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Phew. Right. So after the armpit licking email from Mr Roses I sent him an email back saying that I really didn't think what he'd said was appropriate and I didn't want to hear/see him again. But - bloody hell - he has my phone number doesn't he! He sent me a text saying he'd "googled" me and found some pictures of me and articles that I've written. Weirdo! I mean, I understand that in this day and age you've got to expect or at least accept someone will google you, but you don't TELL the person you've googled that you did it ... or tell them what you found. Urgh. I won't go into anymore details beyond to say he found a pic of me after the City2Surf last year and now wants to "come back as the crotch of a pair of women's adidas tights". URGGGGGHHHH. Naturally I have now blocked him from everywhere that can be blocked after sending him some messages telling him to bugger off ... slightly different wording though.

That's really about it to be honest. I'm kinda over it right now. Plus, I don't really have time to date as I've got so much training happening over the next few months and the Ashes stuff at work which will mean I am pretty committed for about six weeks. Blahhh to all that.

In fact, in terrible blah space in general right now. Must be that fabulous PMS time again as I feel like a big fat blob, despite my usual markers indicating that I have not gained weight (ie: skinny jeans and scales). Incredibly tired. Irritable. Stressed at work. Just have to keep the faith that the feeling will pass, as it always does. Going out to dinner with some girlfriends tonight, all set to look fab in gorgeous wrap dress and heels so that should perk me up a bit.

1 comment:

Fifi said...

A great dress cures everything! I am convinced of that. Creepy RSVP guys sounds..well...extra creepy. Bloody internet stalker, although yeah I admit I usually know everything I can about a guy, via the net before I even meet him. I'm a bit of a stalker like that.

But at least I don't want to lick people's armpits !!LOL!!

Have a great run this weekend!