Thursday, 19 March 2009

Back to reality

Hideous running session last night. 8x400m. I suck at this, I am not a speed demon - my brain isn't calibrated for short, sharp bursts of running ... I prefer the mental challenge of 1hr-plus runs. Argh, anyway, I made it through but felt sick in the stomach for most of it. Hadn't felt fabulous during the day, no appetite (VERY unusual) and headachy, but I figured the sick in the stomach thing was simply from the exertion.

Very early this morning discovered that oh no, it wasn't the exertion ... I have some disgusting, vile stomach bug that is making me wish I could crawl up and die. Or at least have my mum here to look after me. I know she would come to Sydney if I wanted her to ... but I'm sure in another 24 hours I will feel human again. Dear god, I hope so as I have that blimmin' hot date. Refuse to cancel.

Doc has given me a shot of something, starting with M ... I can't remember, I was in a stupor. Hah, but on a side note - if you ever want to go through the queue at a medical centre quickly - turn up looking green with a bucket! There was nothing else that could be done! I'm sorry, I would rather carry a bucket around with me than puke in public. Thankfully I didn't have to worry, was in the surgery with a shot in the arm in about 2 mins.

Very good way to cut down on food intake, but I really do NOT want to be here again. Save me! Or at least get my mum to Sydney :)

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