Friday, 23 January 2009

Ouch - warning, whinge ahead!

I just emailed a big whinge to a friend of mine and then had to immediately write another message apologising for doing nothing but complain in the email. Trying very hard to be positive but at the moment, it's quite difficult because (at the risk of sounding like a big ol' wuz) ... I'm in paaaaain. Not workout induced pain, nor heartache pain (thank god), but my-body-is-ageing-at-a-rate-of-knots-and-hates-me pain. My back has gone out. Specifically, my lower back due to a series of events that are completely unrelated except for the fact they screwed up my back. Event #1: Wearing four inch (YES four inch, I'm 5'2" and I need all the help I can get) heels on a night out. Event #2: Sea kayaking for four hours. While this was SO MUCH FUN, it also involves a lot of twisting and bending from the hips and using muscles I don't use in any of my exercises. Event #3: Loading up extra weight in Pump squat track. The clincher, however, is Event #4: Falling on my big-fat butt while walking down the stairs in my unit block with a large box of recycling (only one wine bottle, thank you!) In fact, #4 can possibly the lion's share of the blame - but the others certainly didn't help.
The result for someone with a weak-er lower back due to having an extra lumbar disc which is prone to inflammation? Hellooooo muscle spasms. Serious muscle spasms caused by the jelly-like matter between spinal discs getting inflammed by all of the above events and trapped nerves sending irregular messages to surrounding muscles. Heh, so what does that mean? A few things including, but not restricted to, the muscles all up the left-hand side of my spine tensing up and causing me to lean over to the left, similarly the muscles in my left butt cheek tensing up causing extreme pain when ... well, walking, sitting, standing, lying and going in between the four. It was all agony and horrible. The physio sessions (x2) were similar AGONY with my EVIL physio "massaging" the spasming muscles, remarking on how she's not seen someone so jammed up for ages while she digs her thumb into my hip flexor (about one inch inside hip bones) and rubs the constricted muscle fibres vigorously.
Urgh, I won't talk about it anymore except to say thank GOD for health insurance which meant I only had to pay $28 of $70 per torture ... uh, I mean physio session, and I HAVE BRUISES. On both the inside of my hips, my butt cheeks (oh yes, glutes got a "massage" too) and up either side of my spine.
Okay, so that's enough of THAT whinge. On to the next one which is ... I am SO p'd off about this happening now because I was on a fabulous exercise roll. Pump, Bikram, cardio sessions ... I was loving it all! And now I've got at least a week before I can consider any of the above seriously ... except for MAYBE Bikram. Heh, although having said that this arvo I am going to the gym for some light cardio stuff ... just the bike and walking on the treadmill I PROMISE. It's too hot to just go for a walk outside (it's 41C apparently) so will just hang out at the gym for a little while. Need to burn some calories as I feel like I'm turning into a blubbery whale ... oh, and just ate two bits of chocolate, so need to burn the guilt away too :P
Okay, that's enough for this entry ... far too much whingeing bubbling away inside of me ... will just melt it away at the gym and next post will be filled with positivity and happy thoughts. Promise!

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