Wednesday, 18 July 2007


About two years ago I went on a bit of a mission. I really can't say how it started, or even why, but one day on a walk I did infrequently, 7km, I was bored and saw this girl jog past me at quite a slow but steady pace. And it thought to myself, maybe I can do that. So I did, I jogged! And I decided to do it for 10 minutes, and after that 10 minutes I jogged for another 10 minutes. And kept on running. This time last year I was probably three or four km lighter, but sooo much fitter. And I loved it. I was happy with myself for the first time in ... well, for the first time. I felt confident, I could go out whenever I wanted and feel confident in what I was wearing.

But this year things have been different. I started off the year quite well, but a month of working 6pm to 2am threw my regular routine out the window. Also I had met D and was spending a lot of time with him, pretty much whenever possible. Then I started a new job with new hours. Throw into the mix a stint in hospital and my running was goooone. And ever since I've been trying to regain that fitness and figure.

The biggest problem is myself. I am annoyed at myself for losing that fitness edge, for letting myself get to this point. And I'm annoyed that I can't find that motivation that I had before. I don't know where it's gone, I don't know how I found it before.

But now - I'm going to get it back. Actually, I'm not going to get it back - I'm just going to get myself happy again. And fit and healthy. So this is my plan. I know it will be a challenge, but every day I'm going to remind myself that I'm working towards my goals, I am taking a step towards where I want to be.

Here is my plan:

Every morning wake up at 6am, dressed for a run by 6.15am, run for 30 minutes no matter the weather.

Right now it's not going to happen, but I want to start swimming at least three days a week. I think that will really help to boost my fitness.

Here is my plan for the gym:

Monday - 5.30-6pm run (to Drummoyne Rowers and back), 6.15pm pump
Tuesday - 5.30-6pm run, 6.15pm combat, 7.15pm pump.
Wednesday - 5.30pm Pump
Thursday - 7.15pm Pump
Friday - 5.30pm Pump
Saturday - 10-10.45am run (full 7km), 11am Pump
Sunday - 12km run

Unfortunately this week I'm already gone because of various excuses, not the least one is the cold. But no more! Despite having slight hangover today I'm going to do Pump at 5.30pm and then Combat at 6.30pm. Tomorrow morning I'm going to go for a 30 minute run, then in the afternoon do 20 minutes on the bike, 20 minutes on the treadmill and 10 minutes on the rowing machine before doing Pump. Friday I will do Pump at 5.30pm and then go for a run from 6.35pm to 7.15pm, then drive over to D's and in the morning (Saturday) go for a big run out in the Hills, then do the pump class at 5.30pm.

Once the weather is warmer I am also going to start walking to work in the mornings. If I can get the right routine happening I might even start running to work.

When I move in with my darling D I know it will be hard, but I will catch a 6am bus, get to the city before 7pm and go to Fitness First and do the ol' treadmill run etc. Once it starts getting lighter in the mornings I will get up at 5.30am and go for a run in the mornings. And make sure I go to the gym before going home. Or go to a late class at Castle Hill.

Today is the first day of this challenge. Other little challenges I am setting for myself are:

7km Bay Run 29th July - $20 entry fee paid.
14km City to Surf 12 August - $38 entry fee paid

I am GOING to do this. Even if I walk sections of the City 2 Surf I am going to be on that start line and run over the finish line. I will do it. I can do it. This is for me.

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