Monday, 28 September 2009


After running my third half-marathon for 2009 a week ago, celebrating my 31st birthday at the CanToo Spring Charity Ball and meeting some truly remarkable people at a friends 40th birthday party I've decided to issue myself a new challenge. I'm going to do the swim program with CanToo and train to do a 2.7km ocean swim!

There are some smaller races that I could nominate to train for - a 1km and 2km but I figure I might as well go for the big one. And really, 1km I could do now without too much effort and if you've swum 2km, what difference does another 700m make? Nothing! The biggest challenge will be facing putting on a swimming costume and wearing it in public with people I know quite well.

Aside from the fact I really feel like I need to shake things up a bit physically, I met some people at this party who are either cancer survivors or have recently been diagnosed with cancer. One guy I met, who is about 35, has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. TERMINAL cancer. I cannot imagine what he is going through, but he signed up for the swim program to help raise $$ for cancer research. What a legend! If I received that diagnosis I'm not sure I would handle it so well.

So that starts on November 5th. The Bikram challenge starts in four days! I am starting it today though - going to try to do four classes this week. My goal is to do four classes a week for the first 30 days, two classes on the weekend and two classes in the evening during the week. Then for the last 30 days I am going to try to do 5 classes a week, two on the weekend and three during the week. But as a minimum four a week in any combination will see me complete the challenge successfully.

I would REALLY like to lose a 5kg before summer, at a minimum. Although that's 5kg of the flabby stuff. Really I just want to feel a bit lighter and brighter. I figure I'm putting in all the right things, so the results should follow.

In terms of nutrition, I am following the low GI eating system as well as trying to only eat 'whole foods', nothing processed. Oats for breakfast, fruit and nuts for snacks, yoghurt, salad and veggies, lean meat and low GI carbs. And obviously drinking tonnes of water to counter the effects of Bikram. I was chatting to an instructor the other day who said he'd weighed his towel before and after a Bikram class to see how much he'd sweated ... and his towel was FIVE KILOS heavier. That's five litres of sweat. Which means that after a class he needed to drink five litres of water minimum to prevent dehydration! Lordy. Made me realise why I felt so dreadful after some classes when I'd only drunk a litre or so before and after class. Need more liquid!

Bizarre weather in Sydney of late, my poor flat is coated in dust and my CAR. Yikes. So this week is all about cleaning. Or dusting and vacuuming anyway.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Slightly Less Ouch

Two days post-half-mara and I think I'm about 85% recovered. Yesterday was dreadful, I could really only manage what I liked to call an adroit hobble ... managed a walk to the shops for vital necessities, but beyond that I was bed, couch or floor bound. Skins and lots and lots of stretching really helped.

Today I went in to Bikram and, hurray, was much better than last week. Think it's because of the reduction of toxins ... last four days or so have been focused on super clean eating. Touchwood, have been successful thus far. It felt pretty good, most of it anyway, so I did something cra-zy and signed up to the 60-day challenge. Argh! 40 classes in 60 days, minimum of four a week. Eeek. However, this is what I really want to do - I really think it will help to make me feel a whole lot better.

In other news, friggin' boys who call and text you numerous times a day are not worth it!

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Ouch that really freakin' hurt

Horrible race today which I have decided is, a), a wake up call and, b), a reminder that some races are golden and some races are ... not. Today was not. I didn't sleep at all last night - I saw 1am and was getting up at 3.50am. Why couldn't I sleep? Oh, 1001 reasons but too many thoughts going through my head. I really must admit to myself that the last month or so I have let training slip away while I looked for a new job and recovered from being made redundant from a job I worked my butt off at. My time was 2hr 2min and 16sec or so and I was aiming for under 2 hours. There were factors at work against me, like no WATER at water stations which meant I had to race around to find a cup and some fresh or at least clean water on three occasions.

The main factor, however, was my head. I was not in a good space and haven't been for a while now. The lack of sleep meant that when I woke up this morning I decided I was running for my grandfather who died from cancer nine years ago. What that meant, however, at 18km was that I got teary thinking that I wasn't doing the run for ME, I was doing it for him and he would never have given in like I had. He was the most amazing man, he went through so much in WWII and yet could turn it all around to be a gentle and lovely human being. I loved him so much and the saddest thing is that I really do not think he ever knew just how much I thought of him. I would give anything to have one more day with him to tell him how much I think of him.

Anyhoo, onwards and upwards. I am starting a fresh leaf, starting tonight with a good night's sleep and a sleep in. This week is mine and I will do whatever I need to to get me through the current sadness I feel. I wish I could reach into the heavens, grab my grandad and tell him I love him one more time. Obviously, I cannot ... instead I want to make him proud every day.

What a day, what a race ... things can only get better.

Friday, 18 September 2009

Serious Running

So this weekend is my third half-marathon for 2009, my fourth all together! I am not feeling as mentally focused as I have been ahead of previous events, due to all the other stuff going on, but I am confident of finishing in under two hours (my number one goal) and if I am feeling good at 15km I am going to push to get in under 1hr57mins. Last year when I ran this event I was just so focused on a) finishing and b) finishing in under two hours that I barely took in any of the scenery. And, um, hello! This race has the best scenery of them all! Over the Harbour Bridge - right down the middle of the road - through Pyrmont, out to Leichhardt (okay, that bit is pretty boring), but then along Circular Quay to finish at the Opera House! Whoo hoo.

Went to my final CanToo training session on Wednesday, despite feeling pretty rubbish, but after the warm-up I actually felt pretty good. Ran 3x1000m at 5.25min pace! So maaayybe there is hope that one time I will run a 1hr50min half-mara. Mind you 21x1000m is a lot different than 3. But you've got to start somewhere, right? It's all about getting into the right rhythm AND, of course, being fit enough to maintain it.

Did my first Bikram Yoga session on Thursday after months and months (when things went mental at work actually) and nearly fainted several times. Literally had the blurred/darkened vision and weird numb feeling in my hands. Yikes! However, there's only one way to get better - keep going! So planning to head back on Monday morning post-half mara. Should be good!

The other running news ... well, exercise news, is some of my faboosh CanToo pals have started a little training group. Nothing fancy, just a group of people who want to get fit! Or fitter anyway. This morning we did an hour and it involved a 2km warmup jog, then a range of nasty short and sharp shuttle runs, think I did about 100 push ups and sit ups plus a 10 minute core work out. Was pretty darn tough, but man it felt good! Whoo hoo!

In other news ... so freaking excited, I am no longer unemployed. Details to follow another time, but yay! Feel like a weight has lifted off my shoulders. Well, one of a number of weights. Would like to lift about 8kg off my entire self actually ... but that's also for another post.

Monday, 7 September 2009

Ahh Jeezus

Okay, the last few weeks have been insane. Pure insanity. Two main events have turned life upside down.

Firstly, I've been made redundant! Boo! Kinda. I was actually quite relieved as I was SICK of doing shift work and exhausted by working like a dog day in day out with people who were largely incompetent and disinterested. Nice payout etc so not so desperate. REALLY want to get a job in the next few weeks though as would like to save this money for my house fund. Had a few days of staggering around wondering WTF to do and then naturally got myself into gear. Several job interview so far and fingers crossed re: the VERY big fish (or company) that I've been trying to work at for about four years. This is as close as I'll ever get. Two interviews so far and now have to work on a product brief and then have final meeting with the big boss.

Secondly, my brother's girlfriend of four years ... well, I guess she broke up with him. In a rather indirect, hurtful and disrespectful way. She told him she was going to visit her parents in Canberra for the weekend ... and on the following Thursday called him from HAWAII to tell him she'd met and fallen in lust/love with some American Special Forces soldier. Obviously the fact he's American is besides the point, but I just like to fill in all the details. The worst thing was my brother had been going out of his mind with worry as he had not heard from her for four days. He felt like such a heel, worrying that she'd had an accident, ringing her friends and even tried to call her parents (who had NO idea where she was either) etc etc. And she was off in Hawaii shagging some idiot.

Argh. It just shattered my faith in people. I mean, I never loved this girl. She was extremely arrogant, unintelligent ... but in the way where she thought she knew everything and would argue with you when clearly she knew nothing about the subject and seemed to make up blatant lies/facts, and she was a very cold and calculating person, much more concerned about $$$ and outside appearances than personality. Oh, and extremely bad manners. Blah.

Anyway, I love my little bro. He is my good mate and an AMAZING guy - thoughtful, considerate, talented, generous, smart etc etc. I am SO proud of him as he has pulled himself up and away from bad behaviours and a bad crowd and achieved a lot in the last five years or so. WTF is UP with throwing away four years for ... what?


In the meantime, bloody RSVP dating has put me in the bloody sh*t. I am a multi-tasker and I am also unable to make decisions about men ... and suddenly I find myself, well, I need to make a decision. I have been dating two great guys for ... well, about two months I guess. On and off and only recently on a regular basis. It's crunch time as I cannot continue! They are both wanting to take things to the next level! When it rains it freakin' pours eh. I just don't knoooow.

Argh. I will have to readdress this subject in another post because I'm far too aerated after thinking about my brother and his bitch-face-stupid-cow ex.